
Zorro is an American action-adventure drama series featuring Duncan Regehr as the character of Zorro. Regehr portrayed the fearless Latino hero and fencer on The Family Channel from 1990 to 1993. The series was shot entirely in Madrid, Spain and produced...read more

Zorro is an American action-adventure drama series featuring Duncan Regehr as the character of Zorro. Regehr portrayed the fearless Latino hero and fencer on The Family Channel from 1990 to 1993. The series was shot entirely in Madrid, Spain and produced by New World Television (U.S.), The Family Channel (U.S.), Ellipse Programme of Canal Plus (France), Beta TV (Germany), and RAI (Italy). 88 episodes of the series were produced, 10 more than the first Zorro television series, which was produced by Disney in the late 1950s.

Original Release

01/03/1990 on FREE

US Release



(see additional cast & crew)
# Title Air Date
1 The Fox and the Rabbit Tuesday, 24 November 1992
2 Ultimate Justice Tuesday, 01 December 1992
3 Love Potion Number Nine Tuesday, 08 December 1992
4 As Ye Sow Tuesday, 22 December 1992
5 An Affair to Remember Tuesday, 19 January 1993
6 The Reward Tuesday, 26 January 1993
7 Like Father, Like Son Tuesday, 02 February 1993
8 Symbol of Hope Tuesday, 16 February 1993
9 My Word Is My Bond Tuesday, 23 February 1993
10 The Arrival Tuesday, 02 March 1993
11 Death & Taxes Tuesday, 16 March 1993
12 Conundrum Tuesday, 23 March 1993
13 The Discovery Tuesday, 30 March 1993


Michael Levine, Peter Diamond, Michael Vejar, Robert McCullough, Ray Austin, Donald Paonessa


Johnston McCulley, Robert McCullough, Philip John Taylor, Bruce Lansbury, Tim Minear, Greg Klein, Ted Alben, Greg Collins O'Neill, Paul Boorstin, Sharon Boorstin, Adam Tyler, Richard Freiman, Gary Stephen Reick, Eugene Pressman, Marta Victoria, Jim Wells, Suzanne Herrera, Andrew Burg, Diane Carter, Joseph Gunn, Gary Rieck, Maxwell Pitt, Carlton Hollander, Michael Marks, Tom Sawyer, Ron Friedman, Scott Myers



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