
Warship is a popular British television drama series produced by the BBC between 1973 and 1977. It was also subtitled into Dutch and broadcast in the Netherlands as Alle hens aan dek. Four series were produced, with 45 episodes made in total, and it...read more

Warship is a popular British television drama series produced by the BBC between 1973 and 1977. It was also subtitled into Dutch and broadcast in the Netherlands as Alle hens aan dek. Four series were produced, with 45 episodes made in total, and it enjoyed popularity in Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore.

Original Release

06/07/1973 on BBC


(see additional cast & crew)
# Title Air Date
1 Wind Song Tuesday, 04 January 1977
2 Singapore Incident Tuesday, 11 January 1977
3 Diplomatic Package Tuesday, 18 January 1977
4 Rendezvous Tuesday, 25 January 1977
5 The Girl from the Sea Tuesday, 01 February 1977
6 A Matter of History Tuesday, 08 February 1977
7 Counter-Charge Tuesday, 15 February 1977
8 Man in Reserve Tuesday, 22 February 1977
9 Fall from Grace Tuesday, 01 March 1977
10 Jack Fell Down Tuesday, 08 March 1977
11 Robertson Crusoe Tuesday, 15 March 1977
12 Someone, Somewhere Tuesday, 22 March 1977
13 Operation Sting-Ray Tuesday, 29 March 1977


Cyril Coke, Michael E. Briant, Roger Jenkins, Philip Dudley, Lennie Mayne, Tristan de Vere Cole, Robert Tronson, Frank Cox, David Sullivan Proudfoot, Jonathan Alwyn, David Cunliffe, Mike Vardy


Ian Mackintosh, Gidley Wheeler, Michael J. Bird, Allan Prior, John Wiles, Martin Worth, Mervyn Haisman, Donald Bull, Vincent Tilsley, Arnold Yarrow, Kenneth Clark, John Armstrong, Derek Ingrey, Robert Holmes, Alun Richards, Manus Hardy, Henry Lincoln, Stuart Douglass, Jeremy Burnham, Roger Parkes


Anthony Coburn, Ian Mackintosh



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