
Tarzan is an American television series that premiered on The WB on October 5, 2003, and ended on November 23, 2003. Based on the Tarzan series by Edgar Rice Burroughs and developed by Eric Kripke, the show was set in New York City and depicted modern-day...read more

Tarzan is an American television series that premiered on The WB on October 5, 2003, and ended on November 23, 2003. Based on the Tarzan series by Edgar Rice Burroughs and developed by Eric Kripke, the show was set in New York City and depicted modern-day adaptations of Burroughs' characters. In December 2003, the series was canceled after eight episodes.

Original Release


US Release



(see additional cast & crew)
# Title Air Date
1 Pilot Sunday, 05 October 2003
2 Secrets and Lies Sunday, 12 October 2003
3 Wages of Sin Sunday, 19 October 2003
4 Rules of Engagement Sunday, 26 October 2003
5 Emotional Rescue Sunday, 02 November 2003
6 Surrender Sunday, 09 November 2003
7 For Love of Country Sunday, 16 November 2003
8 The End of the Beginning Sunday, 23 November 2003


David Nutter, James Marshall, Peter Ellis, Perry Lang, Thomas J. Wright, Harry Winer, Eric Kripke, David Solomon


Edgar Rice Burroughs, Mike Werb, Michael Colleary, Eric Kripke, Lynne E. Litt, Mere Smith, Leonard Dick, P.K. Simonds, Molly Newman, Michael Reisz




Scott K. Wallace, Stephen Mark

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