Captain Sharif

  • Genre(s):Crime
  • Release year: 2013
Cherif is a French police television series produced by Lionel Olenga, Laurent Scalese and Stéphane Drouet, broadcast since October 25, 2013 on France 2.
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Cherif is a French police television series produced by Lionel Olenga, Laurent Scalese and Stéphane Drouet, broadcast since October 25, 2013 on France 2.

Original Release




(see additional cast & crew)
# Title Air Date
1 Festival mortel Sunday, 30 December 2018
2 Disparue Sunday, 30 December 2018
3 Pièce à convictions Sunday, 06 January 2019
4 Cherif, fais-moi peur Sunday, 06 January 2019
5 Vengeance en ligne Sunday, 13 January 2019
6 Le chat connaît l'assassin Sunday, 13 January 2019
7 Illusion Fatale Sunday, 20 January 2019
8 En Pleine Tempête Sunday, 20 January 2019
9 Parole Contre Parole Sunday, 27 January 2019
10 Piégé Sunday, 27 January 2019
11 Parce que tout doit avoir une fin, partie 1 Sunday, 03 February 2019
12 Parce que tout doit avoir une fin, partie 2 Sunday, 03 February 2019


Vincent Giovanni, Julien Zidi, Karim Ouaret, Akim Isker, Chris Briant, Bruno Garcia, Jean-Christophe Delpias, Hervé Brami, Pierric Gantelmi d'Ille, Abdelhafid Metalsi, Lionel Olenga


Lionel Olenga, Marine Gacem, Cécile Even, Soiliho Bodin, Nicolas Clément, Cécile Leclere, Yannick Hervieu, Julien Anscutter, Julie-Anna Grignon, Maxime Crupaux, Marine Maugrain-Legagneur, Mehdi Ouahab, Nicolas Robert, Robin Barataud, Laure De Colbert, Julie Lupo, Nathalie Hugon, Fanny Talmone, Frédéric Azemar, Laurent Scalese, Olivier Dujols, Pierre-Yves Mora, Francis Nief, Vincent Robert, Camille Pouzol, Clélia Constantine, Fanny Riedberger, Marie Roussin, Benoît Valère, Baptiste Filleul, Akima Seghir, Alice Chegaray-Breugnot, Caroline Black, Rebecca Beaucler, Alexandra Julhiet, Grégoire Demaison, Razis Metlaine, Patrick Boudet, Virginie Parietti, Marine Josset, Virginie Schwartz, Stéphane Carrié, Tristan Petitgirard, Pascal Perbet, Jean-Marie Chavent, Stéphane Drouet, Dominique Golfier


Stéphane Drouet, Laurent Scalese, Lionel Olenga




Nicolas Pechitch, Emmanuel Douce, Manuel De Sousa, Frédéric Viger, Quentin Boulay, Pascal Jauffrès, Thaddée Bertrand, Bertrand Maillard, Chris Briant

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