
Mars is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Fuyumi Soryo. Initially serialized in Bessatsu Friend from 1996 to 2000, the series spans 15 tankōbon volumes. It follows the teenage romance between Kira Aso, an introverted artist, and more

Mars is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Fuyumi Soryo. Initially serialized in Bessatsu Friend from 1996 to 2000, the series spans 15 tankōbon volumes. It follows the teenage romance between Kira Aso, an introverted artist, and Rei Kashino, a troubled playboy who is a professional motorcycle racer. A single volume prequel, Mars: A Horse With No Name was released in 1999.

Original Release




(see additional cast & crew)
# Title Air Date
1 Chapter 1 Saturday, 31 July 2004
2 Chapter 2 Saturday, 07 August 2004
3 Chapter 3 Saturday, 14 August 2004
4 Chapter 4 Saturday, 21 August 2004
5 Chapter 5 Saturday, 28 August 2004
6 Chapter 6 Saturday, 04 September 2004
7 Chapter 7 Saturday, 11 September 2004
8 Chapter 8 Saturday, 18 September 2004
9 Chapter 9 Saturday, 25 September 2004
10 Chapter 10 Saturday, 02 October 2004
11 Chapter 11 Saturday, 09 October 2004
12 Chapter 12 Tuesday, 12 October 2004
13 Chapter 13 Saturday, 23 October 2004
14 Episode #1.14 Wednesday, 07 July 2004
15 Episode #1.15 Wednesday, 14 July 2004
16 Episode #1.16 Wednesday, 21 July 2004
17 Episode #1.17 Wednesday, 28 July 2004
18 Episode #1.18 Wednesday, 04 August 2004
19 Episode #1.19 Wednesday, 11 August 2004
20 Episode #1.20 Wednesday, 18 August 2004
21 Episode #1.21 Wednesday, 18 August 2004


Yueh-Hsun Tsai


Hsiao-Hui Yu, Mag Hsu



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