Quel fantasma di mio marito

That Ghost of My Husband is a 1950 Italian comedy film directed by Camillo Mastrocinque and starring Walter Chiari, Enzo Biliotti and Jole Fierro. The film's sets were designed by the art director Angelo Zagame. It financed by the Sicilian producer...read more

That Ghost of My Husband is a 1950 Italian comedy film directed by Camillo Mastrocinque and starring Walter Chiari, Enzo Biliotti and Jole Fierro. The film's sets were designed by the art director Angelo Zagame. It financed by the Sicilian producer Ferdinando Briguglio who had previously backed Luigi Zampa's Difficult Years. For many years it was considered a lost film before being rediscover in an attic and restored by the Cineteca di Bologna and theNational Museum of Cinema in Turin.

Original Release



(see additional cast & crew)


Camillo Mastrocinque


Camillo Mastrocinque, Gino De Santis, Antonio Pietrangeli



Eraldo Da Roma

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