Project ARMS

Project ARMS, known in Japan as ARMS is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Ryoji Minagawa, with assistance from Kyoichi Nanatsuki. The story follows a young man named Ryo Takatsuki, who at the beginning of the series believes that more

Project ARMS, known in Japan as ARMS is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Ryoji Minagawa, with assistance from Kyoichi Nanatsuki. The story follows a young man named Ryo Takatsuki, who at the beginning of the series believes that he was in an accident causing his right arm to be severed from his body. However, as the story progresses, it is revealed that he was actually a test subject for experiments involving genetics and an "ARMS" nanomachine implant, along with three other youths: Kei Karuma, Takeshi Tomoe, and Hayato Shingu. They all meet under strange circumstances and after many battles they set off on a journey to rescue Ryo's girlfriend Katsumi Akagi, who is kidnapped by the Egrigori. The Egrigori are the creators of the ARMS technology. In 1999, the series received the 44th Shogakukan Manga Award for shōnen category. It was adapted into a 2001 anime television series by TMS Entertainment.

Original Release


US Release




(see additional cast & crew)
# Title Air Date
1 Arrive Saturday, 06 October 2001
2 Hound Saturday, 13 October 2001
3 Hunter Saturday, 20 October 2001
4 Link Saturday, 27 October 2001
5 Hercules Saturday, 03 November 2001
6 Incubation Saturday, 10 November 2001
7 Mars Saturday, 17 November 2001
8 Canary Saturday, 24 November 2001
9 Silent Saturday, 01 December 2001
10 Stream Saturday, 08 December 2001
11 Forward Saturday, 15 December 2001
12 Coma Saturday, 22 December 2001
13 Element Saturday, 29 December 2001
14 Rivers Saturday, 05 January 2002
15 Drakken Saturday, 12 January 2002
16 Alice Saturday, 19 January 2002
17 Turn Saturday, 26 January 2002
18 Arcadia Saturday, 02 February 2002
19 Killing Field Saturday, 09 February 2002
20 Fortress Saturday, 16 February 2002
21 Junction Saturday, 23 February 2002
22 Human Saturday, 02 March 2002
23 Liberation Saturday, 09 March 2002
24 Animus Saturday, 16 March 2002
25 Blue Wish Saturday, 23 March 2002
26 Life Saturday, 30 March 2002


Jun'ichi Takaoka


Kyoichi Nanatsuki, Ryoji Minagawa



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