Flying High

Flying High is an American comedy-drama television series, created by Dawn Aldredge and Martin Cohan, starring Kathryn Witt, Connie Sellecca, Pat Klous, and Howard Platt. The series aired on CBS from August 28, 1978 to January 23, 1979.

Flying High is an American comedy-drama television series, created by Dawn Aldredge and Martin Cohan, starring Kathryn Witt, Connie Sellecca, Pat Klous, and Howard Platt. The series aired on CBS from August 28, 1978 to January 23, 1979.

Original Release

08/28/1978 on CBS

US Release



(see additional cast & crew)
# Title Air Date
0 Flying High Monday, 28 August 1978
1 Fear of Cheesecake Monday, 14 April 1980
2 A Hairy Yak Plays Musical Chairs Eagerly Friday, 06 October 1978
3 The Marcy Connection Monday, 16 June 1980
4 The Great Escape Monday, 21 April 1980
5 In the Still of the Night Monday, 12 May 1980
6 The Vanishing Point Monday, 19 May 1980
7 Beautiful People Friday, 17 November 1978
8 High Rollers Sunday, 27 July 1980
9 Palm Springs Weekend Monday, 26 May 1980
10 South by Southwest Monday, 28 April 1980
11 Brides and Grooms Monday, 09 June 1980
12 Swan Song for an Ugly Duckling Friday, 22 December 1978
13 Great Expectations Friday, 29 December 1978
14 Ladies of the Night
15 Eye Opener
16 The Challenges
17 It Was Just One of Those Days Monday, 05 May 1980
18 Fun Flight Friday, 17 November 1978


Peter Roger Hunt, Peter H. Hunt, Dennis Donnelly, Sigmund Neufeld Jr., William K. Jurgensen, Nicholas Sgarro, James Sheldon, Alan Bergmann, Alan Myerson


Robert Van Scoyk, Joyce Armor, Judie Neer, Dawn Aldredge, Jerry Ross, Martin Cohan, Terry Ryan, Juliet Law Packer, Katharyn Powers, Laura Levine, David Braff, Nick Thiel, Arthur S. Rabin, Bill Taub, Victoria Johns, Deborah Zoe Dawson, Dennis Palumbo, Marion C. Freeman


Dawn Aldredge, Martin Cohan



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